Monday, October 3, 2011

Miroslava Duma - a Russian "It" Girl

Miroslava Duma is an icon of Russian Fashion.
Miroslava is a huge style icon, highly coveted and stalked by Fashion photographers. You might like her, envy her or absolutely hate her but this Russian doll is the 'It Girl'.
No doubt that style is her passion nd she knows how to translate it.

' That's what fashion industry does to us. One day you say that leopard is vulgar, and that you will never wear leather cloth and platform shoes and the other day you look at the mirror wearing leather shorts with platform shoes. '

I've never had favourite actors, mdels or singers etc.. I dont know why actually. I've never followed someone's style or fashion. I always followed my own taste and style, it is not different from everyone or special, it is usual, accurate, with some sense of taste I hope! 
But Miroslava Duma one of those people who is an inspiration. She is an ideal.

Fashion is not forever but style is. And if you have some style in you than you are already halfway there. 


  1. ONa prekrasna!!!!!!!!

  2. ona nepovtorima!!! ya schitau chto ona ne tolko ikona modi v rossii, a deistvitelno vo vsem mire..

  3. I love how you all russian gurls so gawgus!

  4. im so honored to hear that, thanks:)
