Thursday, August 29, 2013

Моя теория Взросления и личностного Самоутверждения.

Взросление? У девушек взросление начинается, мне кажется, когда они перестают мечтать о красивой любви и думать-искать-находить-терять парней. Прошу заметить, что при такой моей теории - у многих девушек это так называемое взросление не наступает никогда.

А почему? Потому что они не хотят ничего добиваться сами. Они не хотят самоутверждаться, не хотят морально и умственно расти. Всему этому они предпочитают довольно простое решение: бегать за парнями, пока не найдут того своего крутого миллиардера на белом коне. Находят? Это вам наверное лучше знать! Но я думаю, что кому как повезет; некоторым везет сказочно - и находят.

Со своей стороны я не могу назвать это везением. Я всегда считала и продолжаю считать, что девушка должна быть самодостаточна. Полностью самодстаточна. Я всегда к этому стремилась и продолжаю стремиться. Каким образом?

Да просто тем, что я не гоняюсь за парнями. Скажу даже больше, когда они встречаются на моей дороге- они мне мешаются. Они путаются у меня под ногами, и сбивают меня с толку. Мне куда проще без них, чем с ними. Поэтому понять девушек которые жить без парня не могут для меня всегда было тяжело. Ведь мне наоборот, легче живется без каких-либо парней.

Я люблю принадлежать самой себе. Я не люблю растворяться в мужчине и быть от него зависимой по тем или иным причинам. Мне важно всегда быть в покое с собой и уметь контролировать свой эмоции, чувства, свои мысли. Я не подпускаю мужчин к себе ближе чем на расстоянии вытянутой руки. Мой мужчина, кем бы он ни был всегда чувствует мою отдаленность, и знает, что он никогда не сможет полностью узнать меня- мои мысли,чувства и эмоции, ведь многое из них принадлежит мне и только мне- оно там,где никто не найдет,очень глубоко во мне.

Никакой мужчина не сможет сбить меня с моего пути. А путь мой долгий и великий..Я слишком долго работала над собой, чтобы научиться перестать растворятся в мужчинах, которые только и умеют что врать, предавать, бросать, играть..не важно как это назвать- это то,что они делают. Делают всегда или время от времени-не столь различно.

Мне этого не надо. Я с этим всем столкнулась с периоды тинейджерства и поняла, что мне этого просто не надо! Мое сердце настолько необычно и настолько любимо мною самой, что я никому не позволю его задеть. Я слишком его ценю. Сердцу моему и так уже достаточно доставалось, и в какой-то момент мне просто пришлось научить его работать по-другому: перестать доверять людям,перестать очаровываться в них же самых, перестать влюбляться и растворятся в мужчинах, перестать быть доброй и великодушной ко всем.

Я холодная, я очень холодная. Но в тоже время я могу быть очень импульсивной и жутко горячей. Я могу быть очень слабой и уязвимой,просто я не могу себе этого позволить. Я не нашла и не скоро найду того,с кем смогу быть слабой. И знаю, что не найду еще долго. И меня это не пугает. Так и должно быть. Я всегда знала, что мечтать, думать о мужчинах, и тратить на них время -это не мое. Мое-это идти другим путем,идти к великому. И когда я добьюсь своего великого, мой мужчина ко мне приложится-тот, который наконец-то мне подойдет по всем параметрам, просто потому что он будет моим. Он будет тем, каким я его всегда видела- жутко успешным и настоящим, до невозможности умным и мудрым. Почему он будет таким? Да потому что рядом с такой как я будет только самый мудрый и умный мужчина. Мой мужчина должен быть умнее и мудрее меня, успешнее меня. Я хочу набираться от своего мужчины чего-то полезного и умного, а не сама рассказывать ему об очередном дефолте в Америке. Мой мужчина будет моим идеалом, ведь я к нему шла всю жизнь,и всегда знала что он найдет меня. Я просто всегда понимала, что если ты хочешь быть с сильным и успешным мужчиной - для начала, нужно самой стать такой.

Перед тем как я встречу того самого, моего человека...Мне предстоит пройти великий путь. Я знаю, что была рождена для чего-то великого. И я действительно верю в это. Верю в это не сидя на диване ничего не делая; нет, верю потому, что знаю чего я хочу и приближаюсь к своей цели каждый день все ближе и ближе.

Я знаю что сильная, поэтому и холодная, поэтому и часто равнодушная..Так была воспитана, так говорили мне всю жизнь, что я добьюсь великого, говорили и заставляли верить в это всем сердцем..И с какого-то момента моей жизни, я поверила.. и тогда начался тяжелый труд.

Я знаю чего хочу и знаю, что всегда добиваюсь если действительно этого хочу... Я не растрачиваюсь на глупых парней и бестолковых людей, не трачу время на бессмысленные фильмы и книги, читаю и смотрю исключительно шедевральное...Я работаю над собой каждую секунду...И поэтому я знаю что у меня все будет. Я иду только к великому, ни больше - ни меньше. То,что делают все - это не по мне. Того, что есть у всех - мне не нужно.

Я иду другой, своей дорогой, и живу не так как живут другие, потому и в будущем буду той, кем не будут другие.

Потому у меня и будет все то, чего я всегда желала так сильно. Легкого пути к успеху не бывает. Тут уж, дорогие надо выбирать, либо бессмысленные парни, отношения, гулянки, либо- каждодневная работа над собой.

Я уже давно выбрала второе.

А ваш выбор, только за вами.


Saudi's Offered Russia a deal- how ridiculous is this news?

Seriously? Maybe US should just f**k off! It’s been obvious for ages that US just sabotages the media, putting out there only those things it wants the world to believe! Trying to make the world hate Middle East - while actually Middle East is the innocent one. Middle East has always been living peacefully, with their own religion, their closed country politics etc etc, until USA decided that Middle East has too much oil - and it’s time to intervene in their peaceful life. Another thing is trying to present Russia an Russian people as mafia, criminals - all those movies- its just, common, seriously? Maybe it what like Russia was in 1990s but not now. I m tired of hearing ab Russian mafia, etc. From what I know, US is not that clean, and has not less crimes, not less maybe more crazy people shouting kids in schools etc than Russia does. So, they really overdoing their thing. Seems like US believes it owns the world. They are really going too far. None of the conflicts these day happen without US intervention. It seems like the world is slowly dividing in to two parts: 1)Russia, China, Middle East 2) US, Europe. I think I’m alright with this actually. Well, someone has to stop the insane things they are doing, who else if not Russia?


Why I think that Russias ban on Gay Propaganda is the right thing to do

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that I am the person who usually never agrees with what Russian President, Putin, does. In fact, this might be the very first time I have agreed on his policy. A law which bans a Gay Propaganda came into force with the support of the Russian major political party ‘’United Russia’’ ( which is the same to say as Mr Putin’s decision). I totally agree to the new law.
 There are many reasons why, but I will only touch on the main points.
 The first and most major one is that I am very conservative person. And that means that I am very protective of the traditional values and norms, rules and religion. In political terms that means that I support the protections of traditions, norms and values, and very resistant to the extreme reforms that could always be done by the Government if it wants to do so.
 I am a person who thinks that every person should read books instead of watching TV; I am a person who thinks that a woman can never be overdressed and actually must be so; I am a person who thinks that it is not normal to sleep around and be in a new relationship every month; I am the person who thinks that natural beauty is a norm and that  the extreme overuse of the make-up is does not make you look good  or beautiful, in fact it is disgusting; I am a person who does not agree that it is a norm to dance in a very provocative way and half-naked in the club and it is not a norm for a woman to be drinking in big amounts; I am a person who had read so many books that taught me what is right and what is wrong, and was brought up by a farther who was so so strict and tough on me while I was growing up, a farther who taught me how to be a lady, not an easy-going slut. The farther, who educated me in a way women were educated at 18th Century, and that is that a woman must be shy, must be well-dressed, must be well-educated, must respect herself, must not use extreme make-up etc etc. My farther educated me in such a way that I could never ever possibly thank him enough for that! Seriously, I am just so thankful that I had not become like almost every ‘’standard’’ girl nowadays, those girls that are unfortunately considered to be normal and standard. So, that leads to the fact that I am not normal. I am like not from this planet. I am Polina, who should have been born in the 18thCentury, because that’s where I would fit more. The era, where everything was so pure and so clean, where people were together because of great love, not because of a we call now ‘’sex’’ (the way I see it what people now call relationship means ‘’we are sleeping together’’, and the world love has just lost it’s meaning) ; where women were not cheap-sluts, and where men were ‘’men’’, the era in which there were no clubs, but traditional balls, the era- where the world was not going insane yet, and where everything was just as it should be. Those times are an example of a norm for me, nothing else.
 So after that how could someone think that I will say that propaganda of gays is OK? Excuse me guys, for me even kissing in public places in most cases is not OK, and you say gay propaganda, gay rights? What are you talking about?
 I am not against gay people, I do not hate them, I do not judge them, I do not even think about them if they are not shouting about their existence. But lately they are shouting. Explain to me please, why traditional orientation people are not talking or discussing or debating about their sexuality? Because sexual life is a highly a personal thing. (well, must be at least). So why should I hear so much about the homosexual people life? I am not interested in hearing about it, I am not interested at looking at them either.
 I am ok with gay people being ‘’gay people’’, but because it is not a traditional perception of what is right you should keep it quiet. Do whatever you want, kiss whoever you want and how you want – but do it at home, so no people will be observing it, because Russia wants it’s society to have a normal perception of what ought to be, and that is – man and woman; woman and man. And that is not because it was said by God, it is because that is how our society been thinking from many many centuries ago, so why should we change our perception now?!
Yes, gay people say that a person cannot become gay just because he is observing you being gay, because those cells that are responsible for the person’s orientation form in am early stage of the unborn. I can agree to that. However, if the person born gay, and he/she will see that no one doing it, he/she will consider that it is not ok – and most likely will try to change. But, if the person born gay, and he sees that ohh there are many people like this, so it is absolutely normal. Russia does not want it to be that way. Our youth must be thinking that being gay is not a usual norm.
I am not saying that the society will crumble necessarily because of the allowed gay rights; it is more about that if you allow people one thing that you shouldn’t have allowed, they will ask for more, and that would lead to further and further laws that will eventually lead to a particular problem, and that problem will then crumble the society.
I support gay propaganda law in Russia and I am against very relaxed law in New Zealand because I want to live in a standard society that sticks to the traditions of our ancestors, that respects and values it. I do not want my children to think that gay is a norm. Our grandfathers and grandmothers had not been fighting in a war with the thought that one day this matter will be happening to the people of their country. I do not want my children to be educated and brought up as kiwi kids are, because it is in many cases a huge disappointment. Such laws as anti-smacking law- you think it will do NZ’s society any good? I do not think so. I always thought Russian people are very unintelligent …until I came to New Zealand. And that’s where I’ve understood, that no, Russian kids are very intelligent compared to what I see here. Kids who don’t even know that interrupting adults is not polite –that’s what I see here. And these children cannot be smacked? How are you going to teach them what’s right or wrong? We will see how all these laws like anti-smacking, gay people rights law etc will do your future!
The most annoying thing in all these debates is how so many people think that they have rights and knowledge to judge and accuse Russia in this matter. How can you judge a country, which you will never understand? How can you judge a country in which you have never lived and which you have never even visited as a tourist? I believe that I have a right to do some judgments on New Zealand law, because I have lived here for almost 5 years already: I know how society functions, I know how people think and what they believe in. Plus, New Zealand is not very different from many countries, while Russia is a totally different world from everything else.
So how could people judge a country, which is completely different from everything else? The country, which went through so many things in its history like no other country ever did. So I would say that before you start judging Russia you should at least live through some of the things Russia lived through, and more importantly, you should survive through it.
Have New Zealand ever had any wars? Any revolutions? Have it ever been involved in major world wars? Have it ever had total collapses? Have New Zealand ever went through anything that could undermine its values, its traditions, its understanding of things? Never. New Zealand is a country that never had any problems. New Zealander’s are people who never had any problems such as being poor, not having any products in the country, while also fighting in the war and observing the death of your loved ones. Don’t get me wrong; I do not blame New Zealand or its inhabitants. More than that,I am happy for kiwis, they are lucky people who have never seen or experienced what my grandparents seen and experienced. So be happy on that matter, But leave Russia alone. Do not judge a country, which you will never know or understand. Russian people went through so many pain in their life, and many are still going through it, so it is not up to you to tell them whether to allow gays in their country or not.
Tell me who would go to fight for New Zealand in a war? Gays? What are they going to do in the war – put their make up on, run in a high-heel shoes or make those gestures with their hands that they always do? Oh wait, New Zealand never went through any war!!!!! That’s why you would not even know!!!! And that’s why Russia would. And that’s why Russia obviously knows better what’s good for it and what’s not.
 Don’t try to judge and accuse a country with such a rich cultural history. If you do not know, the biggest number of the greatest people in the world came out of Russia. People such as Tolstoy, Chehov, Chaikovsky, Pushkin, Mendeelev – the number is infinite. So you think you know better than what’s they knew? Does New Zealand have any great people like Russia does? Does New Zealand have any cultural history like Russia does? Does New Zealand have any famous history? Show us some great worldwide famous people from New Zealand first to prove that the laws New Zealand enforces produces a valuable society? And then we can talk. While you don’t have any, I suggest you don’t talk at all.
So think twice before you judge one of the greatest countries in the world. And even though many of Russian’s cultural and historical richness has been lost, Russians will always value it and it’s aim is protect those values as much as possible.
Before you judge Russia, firstly try to become even close to what Russia is and what it went through.
Sitting in front of the computer and arguing against a country with such an old history and supporting a decision of the country, which is the youngest country in the world? Only stupid person can do that. Young country as New Zealand that has no history at all to have any traditions and values – that’s why it can easily enforce these kind of controversial laws. Russia is an old country, with enormous amount of history, and obviously it knows better what’s right or wrong for its citizens, without advice from countries that are not even close to Russia’s level, and whose society consists of people who can’t even think of the results those reform will bring in their future.
 So, don’t blame Russia at a time of some future war, when Russia will have men fighting for it’s country, while you will have a ‘’so-called-men’’ fighting for yours.  
