Every saturday and friday, every weekend night hundreds of people are having fun at the cities bars and clubs.
Some people are going there with anticipation, some with the feeling of being tired of everything, but all of them are in a hurry to be in the place where all the night life lovers meet. And that particular moment when they are just entering the club or bar, trying to find a victim, in other words - some people they might know and then ' You are here too? hi-hi, how you been? Yep-yep, nothing's change. You wanna drink? Hey, two wiski with coke, please'. And there it goes..Everyone is in exactly same mood. All people are on the same wave: the music, wiski-coke, vodka, cocain in the toilet and a smell of sex in the air. And at the beginning everything seems to be good. Everyone is well-dressed and everybody still can stand, some can even have an argument about Ukraine.. But 2-3 more hours and most of the people become just a thing with empty eyes, things without any sex differencies, without any ambitions and aims. Some bodies dancing on the tables, some bodies sleeping under the table, some people are still drinking... Bodies. They are everywhere. DJ is still making the beat, and people are trying to go together with that beat. Music and alcohol. And some people are already crying on the bathroom's floor, telling their friends ( or even strangers) about their negligible life. And everyone understands, that night had sucked. Night, from which, most likely, everyone wanted some kind of a miracle. But miracle didnt happen.
Because you will never get a miracle in a place, where hundrends of thousands of people all together are trying to find it. People come to the clubs and bars, because they don not have any other choice. They feel sad and lonely, and have nothing to do at home. But for some reasons, they all trying to act like they come here because they want to have fun, because they want to dance, drink and forget everything.
Every saturday and friday, every weekend night hundreds of people are trying to act like they are really having fun in the clubs and bars of their cities..
Some people are going there with anticipation, some with the feeling of being tired of everything, but all of them are in a hurry to be in the place where all the night life lovers meet. And that particular moment when they are just entering the club or bar, trying to find a victim, in other words - some people they might know and then ' You are here too? hi-hi, how you been? Yep-yep, nothing's change. You wanna drink? Hey, two wiski with coke, please'. And there it goes..Everyone is in exactly same mood. All people are on the same wave: the music, wiski-coke, vodka, cocain in the toilet and a smell of sex in the air. And at the beginning everything seems to be good. Everyone is well-dressed and everybody still can stand, some can even have an argument about Ukraine.. But 2-3 more hours and most of the people become just a thing with empty eyes, things without any sex differencies, without any ambitions and aims. Some bodies dancing on the tables, some bodies sleeping under the table, some people are still drinking... Bodies. They are everywhere. DJ is still making the beat, and people are trying to go together with that beat. Music and alcohol. And some people are already crying on the bathroom's floor, telling their friends ( or even strangers) about their negligible life. And everyone understands, that night had sucked. Night, from which, most likely, everyone wanted some kind of a miracle. But miracle didnt happen.
Because you will never get a miracle in a place, where hundrends of thousands of people all together are trying to find it. People come to the clubs and bars, because they don not have any other choice. They feel sad and lonely, and have nothing to do at home. But for some reasons, they all trying to act like they come here because they want to have fun, because they want to dance, drink and forget everything.
Every saturday and friday, every weekend night hundreds of people are trying to act like they are really having fun in the clubs and bars of their cities..